Learning to drive is not always easy. There's a lot to remember when you are new, and it can take some time for things to feel natural such as moving your foot from the brake to the gas. Taking driving lessons can be a great way to learn. Here are some tips to help you get more out of your driving instruction.

Pay attention when other students are driving.

In many driving classes, you will get into the car with the instructor and several students. The students will take turns driving with the instructor in the passenger's seat, guiding them. It can be tempting to just zone out when other students are driving. But if you instead pay attention when they take their turns, you can learn from their mistakes and avoid making those same mistakes yourself. For instance, if the other student pulls ahead too far in the intersection and the instructor corrects them, you then learn not to do this yourself without having to make the mistake yourself.

Ask questions afterward.

When you're behind the wheel, there is not a lot of time to ask questions about instructions that your teacher gives you. But if you do have questions, try to keep them in the back of your mind so you can ask them after the driving session is over. For example, if your instructor tells you to signal earlier, you might wonder why that is. When the lesson is over and you get out of the car, you can ask the instructor, "Remember when you told me to signal earlier? Why is that so important?" Asking such questions will help you understand the reasons you do and do not take certain actions behind the wheel.

Don't get too worried when you make a mistake.

Sometimes students are so focused on perfection in their driving that they get deterred when they make a mistake and the instructor needs to correct them. This can cause you to lose focus and not pay as much attention to the rest of the lesson. So, as much as is possible, try not to get too down on yourself when you make mistakes and the instructor corrects you. This is all part of the learning process.

If you follow the tips above, you can get more out of the driving instruction process. The more questions you ask and the more you pay attention to others' driving, the faster you will learn.

If you're interested in taking driving lessons, contact a driving school in your area.
